Before Pictures
Wow, I have been absent from the forums for some time now so I figured I would try and jump back in here with a question...
Does anyone have any recommendations for the before pictures? My surgery is Monday and I will be taking a grip of before pictures this weekend as well as measurements, however, I would think that some post-op's might have recommendations or things that they wish they would have done pre-op to look back on post-op.
I look back to being on the forums now that I have... well, now that I have the next month off work
Congrats on your surgery!!! You're gonna do just fine :)
For photos... take all the angles you can! These will definately be useful for those days you're feeling discouraged and down- believe me, there will be many! Measurements- do everything! Wrists, ankles, calves, waist, elbows lol
You're going to see changes everywhere!
Good luck!
The more things the change, the more they're still the same.